Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Creating a Self-Running PowerPoint Presentation

How to Create a Kiosk-type Self-running PowerPoint Presentation

It is easy and best of all FREE ...

  1. Create a PowerPoint presentation
  2. Set-up the timing of how long each slide remains in view.
    • Either:
      1. 'Rehearse Timings' to practice speaking  
        • OR
      2. Set the slide display time by:
        • Select the 'View' tab 
        • Select the 'Slide Sorter' item on the ribbon bar
        • Select the 'Animations' tab
        • Click on a slide 
        • Find the area 'Advance Slide' in the upper right-hand area.
        • Modify the timings labeled 'Automatically After'
To package the presentation media:
  1. Select the 'Office Buttton'
  2. Select 'Publish'
  3. Select 'Package for CD
    • You don't actually have to put it on a CD, a flash drive works just as well.
  4. Name your presentation
    • The default options will include the PowerPoint Viewer 
    • This makes your presentation file a little bit larger (1.2 MB), but obviates the need to have the presentation run on a computer with the PPT viewer installed.
  5. Your active presentation is included by default but you may add more PPT presentations and other content at this time.
  6. Choose 'Copy to Folder'  (not 'Copy to CD')
  7. Name and select a new, empty folder that will contain all the content
  8. It's best select the option to have PPT include all the linked files (such as images)
  9. PowerPoint packages all the required files into the new 'packaged' folder
  10. Among all the others, two important files, autorun.inf and play.bat are created.
  11. Copy the packaged folder to your flash drive 
  12. On the presentation computer just execute play.bat
