Thursday, July 23, 2009

Specifying Document Literal Style for Apache CXF


I've been assigned to help us migrate from xFire to CXF. Our old Web Services model was' RPC Encoded' and we need to publish/serve a WSDL in Document Literal format. I've hunted for several days researching this topic and running all kinds of example services, etc but finally fell on a good resource here at muleSource:

None of the other sites explained CXF and the SOAPBinding annotation very well.


To specify that a service should be in Document Literal format, use the @SOAPBinding annotation.
  1. import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
  2. @SOAPBinding(style=SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT,

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Eclipse Doesn't Recognize WebServices Annotations

This is kind of newbie issue but (1) it stumped me (2) no one else blogged a solution and (3) it seems so simple.


I am creating a web service in Eclipse but Eclipse doesn't recognize the "@WebService" annotation. I don't know if this an Eclipse feature I need to enable or some plug-in I have to install?

  1. I type a web service annotation like @WebService to mark a Java class as a web service.
  2. Eclipse presents the annotation in red and floats the message 'WebService cannot be resolved to a type'
  3. I figure I have to add some plug-in or something and google around awhile but nothing is helpful.
  4. I find some references that I need to have J2EE classes in my classpath

Annotations are actually interpreted, they're classes and you need to import the correct ( library before you reference one. (This is not really an Eclipse issue).
  1. Find a distribution jar that has the WebService class
  2. Locate Apache geronimo-ws-metadata_2.0_spec-1.1.2.jar, jsr181.jar or J2ee.jar
  3. Add one of the jars to the project classpath
  4. Add an import statement import javax.jws.WebService to your java class
  5. Done, now Eclipse understands the @WebService annotation

  • You'll have the same issue when you enter the @WebParam annotation (and whatever other annotations you might use), except you now have to import javax.jws.WebParam.
  • The SOAPBinding annotation is in package javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.

  • The classes for the Web Services annotations are supplied in a number of common jar files (e.g. the geronimo jar mentioned above is not the only source of the annotations classes):
  • The JDK distribution jsr181.jar
  • The J2EE distribution javaee.jar
  • I'm sure all this is pathetic to those who know web services, but it stumped me awhile, plus I munged up my Eclipse installation trying to find an alternate project type or plugin to configure to get the annotation to be recognized.
