Monday, October 15, 2012

Enabling IE to View Wiki On A Stick (WOAS) Files

IE Requires Confirmation each time you start viewing a Wiki On a Stick Wiki

By default, Windows IE prompts the user to allow "blocked" content to run each time you load a WOAS html file.  This can be a real nuisance, but is also irksome when you share a WOAS document and they have trouble opening it.  This either makes them suspicious about your content and/or this minor irritation makes them not want to use your document or documentation.

Configure IE to Allow Blocked Content

  1. From Internet Explorer, select the Tools menu ( ).
  2. Select Internet Options.
  3. Select the Advanced tab...
  4. Scroll down until you see the Security options.
  5. Enable the checkbox "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer".

P. S.

I would be happier if there was a way to specify a directory from which this allowed content is able to run rather than just write this blank check to allow all active content, kind of like in the security settings you can specifiy certain sites as safe.  If you have any ideas about how this would be done the please let me know.

P. P. S.

Thankfully FireFox doesn't have this issue.
