Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pragmatic Change


Paths :

1 Active Seeking
  • Survey and Identify
  • DO: find ways to automate the uncovery process and assist in the measurement
  • DO: reports, tables, scripts, views
Skills needed to acquire:  Grails, JMX, JNDI, RMI,  Six Sigma
Vehicle: Ask questions, do research
  • DO: Identify, communicate and manage it

2 When change opportunity is found,  do you...
  1. Deal with it and formalize a goal to get it fixed
  2. OR Deal with it wrong / not deal with it
  • acknowledge it but ignore it (self-denial, self-deceipt, status quo, sloth => stagnate)
It's too hard to do that  /  I'd never be able to do that
    Skills needed: honesty, self help, discussion with friends and colleagues
